When discussing the benefits of automated production, it is not only about numbers. Sure, process automation accelerates the production speed multiple times, giving your company a much-needed boost when it comes to production efficiency, but there are also other factors to consider.
When introducing a CNC automation, one of the aspects that quickly becomes quite apparent is the precise output and replicability of a given process. Manual production relies on the infallibility of the production staff, which in most cases is a risky strategy at best. Another factor is production scalability – with automated solutions changing the output due to fluctuations of demand is more likely to happen than when depending exclusively on manual labor.
In the case of the gluing automation process, we are happy to provide you with our insight based on hundreds of successfully completed implementations in industries such as packaging, printing and POS/Display production. The manual gluing (to be more specific – using glue guns as the most common technique) is still highly popular there, mostly due to the low cost of entry. However, there are some disadvantages to that approach as well.
Ease and safety of use
At first glance, one would think that manual gluing has to be easier for gluing operators. After all, glue guns are fairly simple devices, without additional layers of features. In reality, it would be difficult to find an operator who enjoys manual gluing, with constant safety risks related to skin burn and hand fatigue.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, we have automated gluing machines that offer high safety standards. At FELIX GLUER, we take those aspects very seriously, providing an end-to-end installation service and training for the production staff. From our experience and according to staff feedback, the learning curve is not very steep and takes usually a single day to get hold of the whole process.
Cost efficiency with boosters such as the hot melt stitching
In one of our recent articles (LINK), we have mentioned hot melt stitching as one of techniques that greatly improve the cost efficiency of your production. Combined with using hot melt adhesives and cold glues together on the same glued element can result in some huge savings for your team.
Such an approach can only be achieved with automated or semi-automatic solutions that provide better control of the adhesive application.