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Production Setup

During trainings, we ensure that FELIX GLUER technology will be a perfect fit for your team.

More than just glue plotters
We establish a dialogue, which covers every stage of our cooperation. Our aim is not only to give you a solution, but also to share our know-how. The process is divided into 6 stages, each one addressing a particular aspect of our service.

Production-ready from day one

Our goal is to make your team completely self-sufficient as soon as the training concludes. With the assistance of our trainer and using your materials you will be able to make the first production run. We double-check on your operators, so they will be fully ready to benefit from the new tech on a following day.

Your team will love FELIX GLUER

Trainings are a great opportunity to not only introduce features of FELIX GLUER to your staff, but also to overcome potential tech barriers that may occur for operators when switching from the hand-gluing workflow. For production managers, it is time to celebrate the moment of regaining control over the gluing process.

See how FG : Statistics improves control >

Trusted by 150+ companies

Brands that trust FELIX GLUER include:

Ready to discuss your business needs?

Take the next step and let us know how we can enhance your gluing workflow.