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Machine Production

Every FELIX GLUER plotter is a premium product and the centerpiece of our solution.

More than just glue plotters
We establish a dialogue, which covers every stage of our cooperation. Our aim is not only to give you a solution, but also to share our know-how. The process is divided into 6 stages, each one addressing a particular aspect of our service.

Thoroughly tested

The production process can begin as soon as we conclude the initial testing stage. At FELIX GLUER, delivering a stellar product is of prime importance, which is why we conduct a multi-step technical validation and acceptance that includes FAT tests. Testing involves numerous test runs, verifying different production scenarios.

Our attention to detail

FELIX GLUER plotters are manufactured using high-quality machine parts directly in our FELIX LAB. The attention to detail goes far beyond the production, with premium packaging provided for every FELIX GLUER produced. Robust crates with cargo safe airbags, moisture absorbers and anti-corrosion film add extra layers of protection during the transportation process.

Trusted by 150+ companies

Brands that trust FELIX GLUER include:

Ready to discuss your business needs?

Take the next step and let us know how we can enhance your gluing workflow.