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FELIX GLUER Production Planner

A production planning module, providing precise control over the production queue.

Reliable repetition of the production output
Easy setup with available presets

Plan and control your production

With the Production Planner module, any gluing task can be set and planned for execution at the precise time in the future. This is a game-changer for many gluing and finishing departments, as any task-related data, such as production setup and project design can be passed across the team members.


Presets including a design file and production data

Easy hand-over of task-related data between each team doing a shift work. Provided data will include a machine setup as well as a CAD design file with glue paths.

A production queue for each shift

You can configure Production Planner to run the production preset at any given time and date, to keep your teams working according to the plan.

User-friendly interface

We have updated and revamped an interface for both FG : PRO and FG : Studio software to make it on par with other top-tier CAD software. Easy access to key features, modern look and functionality improve the usability, speed up the design process and give you full control over the glue path creation.

MS Windows compatible

Together with our software, we provide a PC running on MS Windows.

The feature you were expecting is not here?

We are always up for the challenge when it comes to streamlining your business operations. While our broad product portfolio already reflects hundreds of use cases, it is possible to achieve even more specific production requirements by going custom. Contact our team to learn more. Contact us >

Trusted by 150+ companies

Brands that trust FELIX GLUER include:

Experience FG : Production Planner in live presentation

Our FG : Showroom is fully equipped and ready to host you and perform tests on your materials, either online or on site.