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FELIX GLUER’s partner network now covers over 20 new countries

The gluing re:volution reaches new regions of the globe thanks to our new distribution partners.
July 23, 2024
Philip Trumble from Pozitive (on the left) together with Sławomir Marć (FELIX GLUER).

In the first half of 2024 distribution agreements with three new partners have been signed, expanding the market coverage to include regions of Australia and New Zealand, Southern Africa and Southeast Europe. With those deals under way, FELIX GLUER automated gluing solutions are now available in over 50 countries around the world.  

This translates not only into better access to the game-changing technology we offer, but also into top-tier support for local customers.

Australia & New Zealand (Pozitive sign & graphic supplies)

Based in Sydney, Australia, Pozitive is an industry leader and the supplier of complete solutions for sign making, commercial printing and point of sale manufacturing. Especially when it comes to the last point, experts at Pozitive know how important is providing a total formula for POS production. That is why their portfolio combines the best technology for each production stage – from printing, cutting & creasing, to gluing.  

With this distribution agreement under way, FELIX GLUER is now available in Australia, New Zealand as well as in the Pacific Islands.

It is a huge milestone for our company, as FELIX GLUER’s automated technology can now be accessed easier than ever with the constantly expanding network of partners. We also look forward to new partnerships that are currently in the phase of negotiations and will involve new markets in Asia and South America. Stay tuned.
Michalina Zakrocka

Southeast Europe (Innvestio Group)

We have also addressed the presence of FELIX GLUER products in the Southeast Europe, most notably in Greece, Cyprus, Turkey and Bulgaria, by launching a collaboration with Innvestio Group. With their perfect understanding in the fields of printing, packaging as well as industrial adhesives, we knew that their experience would benefit our customers exponentially.

FELIX GLUER glue plotters are a new element in the Innvestio’s portfolio, providing a unique new solution for their area of expertise.

Southern Africa (Ipex Machinery)

With over 60 years of experience in managing global machinery brands, Ipex is a leading provider of solutions for printing, converting and packaging markets in Southern Africa. Boasting an impressive portfolio of high-end technology for its respective industries, Ipex Machinery highlights the importance of post-sales support, offering a wide range of services in that department to keep the downtime to an absolute minimum.

Ipex will bring the gluing automation of FELIX GLUER to Southern African countries, including Republic of South Africa, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Botswana, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Namibia, Angola and Mauritius.

“It is a huge milestone for our company, as FELIX GLUER’s automated technology can now be accessed easier than ever with the constantly expanding network of partners.” said Michalina Zakrocka, CEO of FELIX GLUER. “We also look forward to new partnerships that are currently in the phase of negotiations and will involve new markets in Asia and South America. Stay tuned.”


Would you like to know more about our Partners? Visit the dedicated page on our website, or simply get in touch with our team.

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